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Category B:
motor vehicles with a maximum authorised mass not exceeding
3 500 kg and designed and constructed for the carriage of no
more than eight passengers in addition to the driver motor
vehicles in this category may be combined with a trailer having a
maximum authorised mass which does not exceed 750 kg.
Without prejudice to the provisions of type-approval rules for the
vehicles concerned, motor vehicles in this category may be
combined with a trailer with a maximum authorised mass
exceeding 750 kg, provided that the maximum authorised mass of
this combination does not exceed 4 250 kg. In case such a
combination exceeds 3 500 kg, Member States shall, in accordance
with the provisions of Annex V, require that this combination shall
only be driven after:
— a training has been completed, or
— a test of skills and behaviour has been passed.
Member States may also require both such a training and the passing
of a test of skills and behaviour.
Member States shall indicate the entitlement to drive such a
combination on the driving licence by means of the relevant
Community code.
The minimum age for category B is fixed at 18 years
(c) Category BE:
— without prejudice to the provisions of type-approval rules for the
vehicles concerned, combination of vehicles consisting of a
tractor vehicle in category B and a trailer or semi-trailer where
the maximum authorised mass of the trailer or semi-trailer does
not exceed 3 500 kg,
— the minimum age for category BE is fixed at 18 years.
(d) Category C1:
motor vehicles other than those in categories D1 or D, the maximum
authorised mass of which exceeds 3 500 kg, but does not exceed
7 500 kg, and which are designed and constructed for the carriage of
no more than eight passengers in addition to the driver; motor
vehicles in this category may be combined with a trailer having a
maximum authorised mass not exceeding 750 kg
(e) Category C1E:
— without prejudice to the provisions of type-approval rules for the
vehicles concerned, combinations of vehicles where the tractor
vehicle is in category C1 and its trailer or semi-trailer has a
maximum authorised mass of over 750 kg provided that the
authorised mass of the combination does not exceed 12 000 kg,
— without prejudice to the provisions of type-approval rules for the
vehicles concerned, combinations of vehicles where the tractor
vehicle is in category B and its trailer or semi-trailer has an
authorised mass of over 3 500 kg, provided that the authorised
mass of the combination does not exceed 12 000 kg,
— the minimum age for categories C1 and C1E is fixed at the age
of 18 years, without prejudice to the provisions for the driving of
such vehicles in Directive 2003/59/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2003 on the initial
qualification and periodic training of drivers of certain road
vehicles for the carriage of goods or passengers .
(f) Category C:
motor vehicles other than those in categories D1 or D, whose
maximum authorised mass is over 3 500 kg and which are
designed and constructed for the carriage of no more than eight
passengers in addition to the driver; motor vehicles in this
category may be combined with a trailer having a maximum auth-
orised mass which does not exceed 750 kg;
(g) Category CE:
— without prejudice to the provisions of type-approval rules for the
vehicles concerned, combinations of vehicles where the tractor
vehicle is in category C and its trailer or semi-trailer has a
maximum authorised mass of over 750 kg,
— the minimum age for categories C and CE is fixed at 21 years,
without prejudice to the provisions for the driving of such
vehicles in Directive 2003/59/EC;
(h) Category D1:
motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of no more
than 16 passengers in addition to the driver and with a maximum
length not exceeding 8 m; motor vehicles in this category may be
combined with a trailer having a maximum authorised mass not
exceeding 750 kg
(i) Category D1E:
— without prejudice to the provisions of type-approval rules for the
vehicles concerned, combinations of vehicles where the tractor
vehicle is in category D1 and its trailer has a maximum auth-
orised mass of over 750 kg,
— the minimum age for categories D1 and D1E is fixed at 21
years, without prejudice to the provisions for the driving of
such vehicles in Directive 2003/59/EC;
(j) Category D:
motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of more
than eight passengers in addition to the driver; motor vehicles which
may be driven with a category D licence may be combined with a
trailer having a maximum authorised mass which does not exceed
750 kg